{Keller Newborn Photographer} Baby Tanner

Sweet baby Tanner was such a joy to shoot! Even though his mom fed him right before the shoot, Tanner was far too interested in watching the action going on around him to fall asleep. So I got a lot of awake baby shots and I loved it! Here are some of my favorites:

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MCP Project 12: Resolution

MCP Project 12 is a photography challenge I was excited to sign up for. Each month, the participants are given a theme and then we go out with our trusty cameras and shoot away, hopefully capturing an image or two that will represent the month's theme.

January's theme is "Resolution." Which is appropriate, I think, for many reasons. Ironically enough (or is it?), my biggest resolution for 2012 is to grow as a photographer and really focus on the business of LoveJoy Photography. Thus, the images I've chosen to include here to represent my "Resolution" are simply a showcase of images I captured this month as I've mindfully tried to grow and mature as a photographer. I hope I can continue to get better and learn more and grow my business as the year marches on.

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52 Wednesdays: Bokeh

This week's theme for the 52 Wednesdays challenge is "Bokeh." For those of you who don't speak "photographer," bokeh is the blurriness of the space that surrounds the subject of a photo. Many photographers, like myself, find bokeh beautiful. Here are some of my favorite shots that highlight bokeh:

Please head over to see the next photographer in our group: Traca Miller - Stephenville, TX Photographer - and her interpretation of "Bokeh."

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{Fort Worth Pet Photographer} Upon a Winter's Evening

One chilly evening, my best buddy and I stepped out for a long walk around our neighborhood. Killian loves to see the ducks on the pond and I love to take pictures of my pup. It was a win/win for both of us!

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Photo Challenge: By the Book

This week's photo challenge theme at i heart faces is "By the Book". I immediately thought of this image of sweet Olivia reading her "Are You My Mother?" book. I love classics!

Photo Challenge Submission

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52 Wednesdays: Eyes

This year I've decided to participate in a challenge hosted by my pals over at The Bloom Forum. Each week, the participants are given a different theme and photos appropriate to the theme are posted on each participants blog. It's a fun way to practice photography and share some of our work with each other and the world!

This week's theme is "EYES." And I found a pair of big brown ones that I couldn't resist.

This is my fur-baby, Killian.

I wish I could tell you that he was looking so longingly at me, his momma.

But no. There is only one thing that puts this intense look in my boy's eyes.

Silly squirrel. I swear he was flirting with my camera. Vain little guy.

Anyhoo, please head on over to the next participant's blog and take a look at her interpretation of this week's theme: Carrie Hyche over at Heart of the West. She does some beautiful work, go check her out!

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Photo Challenge: Family Fun

This photo was submitted to the i heart faces photo challenge of the week entitled "Family Fun." This little family has fun together and was so fun to work with so I thought it was an appropriate one to submit!

Photo Challenge Submission

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Valentine's Mini-Sessions

LoveJoy Photography is excited to offer Valentine's mini-sessions!

Have you been wanting to get some professional photos of your little one lately? Now's the time to do it! With our Valentine's mini-session, you can get shots of your kiddo with or without Valentine's Day props at a special low rate.

For $75 you get a 30 minute session at a beautiful location, plus 5-10 custom edited high resolution images on a CD with print rights. AND, as a special bonus, you'll get 10% off the price of your next regular session with LoveJoy Photography!

Please email Cheyenne at photos.lovejoy@gmail.com to book your session today! Hurry, this offer expires on January 31, 2012.

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{Austin Child Photographer} Delilah & Olivia

Over the holidays I had the opportunity to take some pictures of a couple of the cutest (and sweetest) little girls I've ever met. Delilah and Olivia are my husband's cousin's babies (didya follow that?) and I thoroughly enjoyed stalking them following them around with my camera!

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