In the Dark

Shooting at night is new for me, but I'm really starting to dig it. Recently I was out in downtown and decided to capture a few night shots. Lugging a tripod around the city is not very easy, though, so I might have to settle for landscapes next time!

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4 Responses so far.

  1. Love night photography. I just blogged about how I wish I had time to take more pictures...maybe I'll just have to start being a night photographer, haha.

    And, hope you don't mind, but I posted a link to your blog in my latest post. You're quite good!!

  2. Joy says:

    @You're Embracing Melody--Of course I don't mind! And thank you for linking to my blog. I'm honored you enjoy my work!

  3. Unknown says:

    Lovely. These make me miss FW so much! I am having a lot of trouble with night photography. I think my shutter speed is off and I can't seem to fix it.

  4. Joy says:

    Thanks! Night photography is tricky. Close up your lens to about an f/11 and then slow down your shutter speed. The picture of the church was taken at 13 seconds and the picture of the traffic was taken at 15 seconds. Oh, and you need a tripod. Quite necessary with the long shutter speeds!

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